
Leroy Bones foundation is a not-for-profit charity organization duly registered in 2021 in Kenya. It was founded by Rev. Anthony and Edyth Bones who are parents of an autistic son and four daughters.
Their son Leroy was diagnosed with autism and
ADHD at the age of three. Thats when they started the
journey of raising him amidst a lot challenges associated
with stigma and discrimination.
Therapies were too costly for him to access them
consistently. They soon realized that they could not find a school that could accept Leroy but also have the
capacity to help him learn. At 6 years Leroy was finally
accepted in an integrated school where he started
In 2020 after the effects of covid the school
closed down its learning unit and Leroy did
not have a place to go to school. Due to lack
of options, they had to take matters in their
own hands and think differently. They asked
Good Shepherd School to give them a space
which they could use for Leroy. They then
found a special needs teacher and
committed to pay her monthly so she could
teach Leroy. They also equipped the class.
Due to Leroy being at Good Shepherd School and the small unit, other children with developmental
disabilities have come to the school. Currently Good Shepherd School has admitted almost 10
children with developmental disabilities. The space and capacity is unable to take in any more
children and they have been turning children away.
Good Shepherd School does not currently have a qualified special needs teacher apart from
Leroy’s teacher. They have a big play area but lack the play equipment. The school does not have a
space that can be used as a therapy space for children. Therapies are very costly in Kenya and
most children have missed to access consistent therapy.
Leroy was hyper and so going to social places like restaurants, church or playgrounds was next to
impossible. We noticed there was lack of awareness from the public, stigma and discrimination. We
have so far done our best to assist Leroy gain some level of independence through different
Our hearts go out to many parents in Kenya from urban slums and rural communities who live under
a dollar per day
Jesus says in the book of Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”

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